Veen plant

December 30, 2008
uses: counteract to poison ivy and fire thistle

found: everywhere where poison ivy and fire thistle is

rarety: a little rare

Kiveri plant

December 30, 2008
uses: sedation

found: asia and australia

rarety: common
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Eckaree tree

December 30, 2008
uses: the smoke form its wood cleanses the lungs

found: everywhere with white grass

rarety: very rare and helpful
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Fire Thistle

December 30, 2008
uses: defense of a small area. concealable and painful

found: everywhere with -5 degree weather

rarety: its common but you cant see it until its to late
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Jordan plant

December 30, 2008

uses: tells the weather for tomorrow

found: only in very southern islands

rarety: very rare

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Morsain plant

December 30, 2008

uses: cures obscure poisions, such as Fellmore and Drak

found: southern japan and in a few japanese islands

rarety: fairly common in Japan but rare everywhere else.

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